Alpena, MI - LHZ348 - 2/7/2025 2:11 PM
Presque Isle Light to Sturgeon Pt MI Including Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary
West wind 10 to 15 knots. Partly cloudy early in the evening then becoming mostly cloudy. Waves 2 to 4 feet subsiding to 2 feet or less after midnight.
South wind 5 to 10 knots. Snow likely. Waves 2 feet or less.
North wind 5 to 10 knots. Snow showers likely. Waves 2 feet or less.
Northwest wind 10 to 15 knots. Mostly cloudy. Waves 2 to 3 feet. Wave heights are valid for ice free areas. See the open lakes forecast for days 3 through 5. This is the last nearshore marine forecast for this zone for the winter season. It will be issued again when ice coverage across the zone diminishes.